PCTR Pirates Cove
Oh, more pre-race silliness!
As you can see, I DID end up getting some leopard print arm panties. I have matching gaiters as well, but they did not make it into the picture. However, based on the number of compliments I got on my outfit (no joke-- one guy actually told me the leopard print was inspiring!), I'm sure this combo will make it into more race photos in the future.
For some reason, insomnia (which I have perhaps one time a year?) decided to strike Friday night, and by the time I got to the start line, I was running on about two hours of sleep. I *know* it's supposed to be the night before the night before that affects you the most, but I was definitely mentally ill-at-ease with so little sleep.
I got to the start, checked in, hung out with Jo Lynn and Rick (totally classic shot), almost forgot to put my Garmin on before the start, said hi to everyone and then took off at a brisk uphill walk at 8:30.
As can be seen on the course map, the 50K does two loops of the 20K course, with a little (10K little) extra loop added to the first 20K loop. I have never done a loop 50K before today-- Ohlone and Skyline to the Sea are point-to-point courses, so once you get through a particularly grueling climb, you know you'll never have to run that piece of the course again in the race. Knowing I would have to come back and run the 20K loop again did interesting things to my mind. On the one hand, I think it helped me go slower at the beginning, knowing I would have to deal with the climb out of Rodeo Beach after completing 18 miles already. On the other hand, I think I was a little too focused on how I would need to run that section again, so I would hold back more than I really think I needed to.
As I said, I did a better job of holding back at the beginning. When I started the extra 10K loop after Tenessee Valley, I felt great, and continued to feel pretty strong until the top of Marincello. For some reason, even though the next section was downhill, I started thinking about how I had at least 6 miles left of THIS loop, and then ANOTHER 12 miles. My legs immediately began feeling more tired, and I would say that miles 12-15 were rather painful. I picked up a bit after the Conzelman aid station (all the 30K runners speeding it up for the finish helped), but then felt like I came to a dead halt at the top of the hill out of Rodeo Beach, and took a good mile to start feeling decent again.
Leaving Tennessee Valley for the last time, I dragged myself up Marincello. I started to try a run 1 minute/walk 1 minute alternation, which worked for about 15 minutes before I succumbed to walking. I do think this was a good idea for me though, and I'm going to try it at another event in the future. By this time it was raining and cold and wet, and I was half-tempted to run just to get warm. Emphasis on the "half" part of that sentence.
At the top of Marincello, things switched again and I found a huge reserve of energy I didn't realize I had. Don't get me wrong-- I was not moving super-fast, but my mental state went from "this is SOOOOOOO long" to "Hey-- you have 6 miles left, and most of it is flat or downhill. You can absolutely do this!" While my legs did not suddenly feel light and limber, everything seemed much more possible and I really enjoyed the last 6 miles. I even ran more of the uphill than I had run the first time I came through the same section.
I also started looking at my watch and thinking about if it might be possible to break six hours. I didn't have any kind of goal time, but I had figured somewhere between 6:00-6:30 was reasonable. When I hit the last aid station, I had exactly 30 minutes to finish 3.6 miles. 1.5 was downhill, but the last two miles were pretty flat with a tiny bit of uphill grade at times. I decided to go for it, and I ran HARD the last few miles, even holding sub 8:00s on the flat part. I broke six hours (well, I think it was a little shorter than 3.6 miles), but what amazed me is how much faster I could go at the end than I had thought I could. Let's not get carried away-- I was in pain and I couldn't have gone another 10 miles at that pace, but I really didn't know I could go that far and still have energy left over at the end. While I am definitely nervous about AR50, I think this race taught me two things:
1) I am stronger than I think I am. Don't get me wrong-- I am still probably under-trained for AR50, but I had much more in the tank left than I thought I did. My goal for AR50 is still just to finish, but I'm more confident about that now than I was before Saturday.
2) Running ultras is SO mental. Again, see #1. I know adequate training is necessary-- but I've been fascinated lately by the difference my mental outlook has on my performance. As I've pointed out before, running relaxed helps a lot. When I'm feeling good, I know that talking positively to myself helps a lot as well. This time I kept trying to remind myself (with some success) that however I felt at that moment was not permanent-- if I felt bad, I would feel better soon but also that if I felt good, it didn't necessarily mean I wasn't going to feel bad again. It's the dharma of running, I suppose. (As a side note, it's been fascinating to me how applicable Buddhist teachings are to long-distance running. I feel a post forthcoming in the next few months.) What I want to start playing around with is keeping myself positive when it hurts and I'm starting to feel like I can't do it, whatever "it" is. The "feeling bad" moments, when I think about it, were more mental feeling bad moments than feeling physically bad. Of course my legs were tired and tight and of course I was hungry--but that didn't change after about mile 12-- what changed the most from mile 12 to the end was my mental state.
I have also discovered my superpower secret weapon race food-- candied ginger! I ate some at the top of Marincello (round two) and it was amazing how much the spiciness of the ginger acted as a pick-me-up and calmed down my slightly complaining stomach. Definitely going into the belt in future races.
Finally, I think I'm becoming a reluctant convert to ice baths. I didn't sit as long as I probably should have last night, but it helped. I'm going to slog a recovery run this afternoon, but overall, I feel better than I ever have after a 50K.
Plus, I got a coa
I think from here to AR50 is some mellow runs, maybe one longish run next weekend, but then... Victoria attempts 50 miles! Aack!
Atta girl! You are such a strong runner. I can only dream one day to run like you do. I don't know how the heck you could take an ice bath after being so cold and wet on the run. I had five layers on the entire drive back to Fremont and then my bootie enjoyed a nice HOT shower.
Great job on your time too. ;)
CONGRATS! one day i'd like to run a 50K! I'm doing the 18K in Sycamore canyon on sunday and I'm a little nervous-my first long trail race!!! You and Jo Lynn are an inspiration!!
Sorry I missed saying hello. I should have asked Rick to introduce us. I just don't know too many folks by name. We were further back with the slower folks. I kept thinking about what you wrote about Marincello Road being runnable, and managed to run some of it at least. So thanks for the pre-race pep talk! Man was it cold up there on the ridge with the wind blowing and the rain lashing! Very cool, I mean cold!
Great time on your run! I'm sure you'll do great at AR50 too.
Great job, Victoria! You were running so strong at the finish - MOST impressive! The leopards in the wild would be proud that you're representing them!
Thanks so much for coming out - how could I not feel better at the end of the day with people like you, Jo Lynn, Rick, Suzanne, Norbert, and the rest there!
Thanks, everyone! Jo Lynn, the ice bath is not fun but I think it made a difference.
Southbay Girl, HAVE FUN on your first long trail race-- you will have a marvelous race, I'm sure.
Cynthia, hope I get to meet you at an upcoming race-- but were you behind Rick going up the steps at the Rodeo Beach 20K in December? I'm not sure that was you, but I thought it might have been. Glad you ran some of Marincello!
Sarah-- that might be my new tag line, "Representin' the leopards!" Hee hee. I'm so glad you are feeling better-- and just remember, all these silly pictures of me lately are thanks to YOU!
Congrats! See you on the trails!
Marincello! On both loops I proclaimed my dislike of this hill to any runner within earshot. I think you'll do fine at AR50. Just remember to save energy for the last 19 miles. If the asphalt on the bike path bothers you there's usually trail on the side that you can run on. Be careful of the poison oak, there's a lot of it out there on the trail sections. You've got something there with ultra's being high on the mental side. When I'm running, job #1 for me is to keep the mind and spirit happy, no matter how crazy it gets on the outside I try to keep things level inside. I never get angry at myself no matter how dumb the mistake and I try to laugh things off to stay relaxed. The last 6-miles I knew I wasn't going to make 4:30 which was my secret time goal but I still wasn't letting go and the pressure became oppressive. I finally let go and I felt lighter mentally and was able to run better physically.
Ice bath again tonight, your legs will love you for it. It gets easier the more you do it and you actually build an acclimation for the cold water. It's how the swimmers here in SF do it, the ones who swim without a wetsuit. They go in minutes at a time until they can stand to do a full swim. I love how numb my legs feel afterwards. To help pass the time read a magazine or a book and the minutes just fly by.
To end my blog post length comment I just want to say that I love the coaster. Pirates Cove is one of my favorite sections. Wendell told me who the artist was but I forgot. That person did a great job. I can feel the "drop", the steepness of the hill in the illustration. And...and...thanks for the picture! I still laugh when I see it. No one is going to accuse us of being too serious in these races.
A fun day with so many impressive runs. You are a rockstar, V! And you are going to be great at AR50! Trail tart twinsies will tear up that final 20 miles.
Hey Rick, I went easy on her and told her she could get away with just the post-race ice bath. You are a tough cookie.
I thought everyone ran the last 20K for the coaster. I think it's a generous trade. You'll find yourself making the same choice at some point, Southbay Girl. Have fun on Sunday!
Great job Victoria...nice to see you beyond the injuries, running strong again.
Cheers, Will G.
Got to agree with you on ultras being mental. Great race and glad we met even though it was brief. I am sure we'll get to chat more soon!
Nice racin', V. You are sounding strong out there once again. You are going to do great at AR50. I'm looking forward to running with you again.
Nice coaster! Great job on Saturday, I really enjoyed your recap.
Sweet! You're a strong woman.
I never thought of the candied ginger, but that makes PERFECT sense! Might have to try that if my lazy butt starts to run LD again.
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