Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summer Week Richmond 2008

So I don't need anyone to tell me this is a picture of a road, on a blog that is supposed to be about trails. I took this picture just to let everyone know it's Summer Week in Richmond (that's all we get here--normally it's gale force winds by 2:00 p.m.), and the hills are turning color FAST. Those hills were verdant beauty two weeks ago-- they are fading even as I ran by them today! 

No new trail today-- I'm trying to take it easy before Ohlone this weekend...which promises to be very, very warm. Must remember my S-caps and hydrate often...

Lots of wildflowers are starting to disappear from the heat. The purple vetch covering the hillside less than two weeks ago is gone, but I found this wild sweet pea blooming by the side of the trail today. This may be the last of the spring runs--from here on out, we're drying up!

Finally, a quotation about running that might well be about life:

"Each time you run you will receive lessons. You have enrolled in the school of ultrarunning. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid. What you think makes no difference; the lessons will be presented until they are learned." - Keith Pippin

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