Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Re-cap of the Knee-cap...

Sorry. That's a very silly beginning. Anyway... I discovered today that the leg that had knee surgery 9 years ago has never fully regained its strength, and THIS is what is making the other knee hurt. So I have a regimen of core strengthening exercises to follow. We shall see what happens next...

One thing I did love about the physical therapist-- she never acted like there was anything strange about training for a 50K or 50M race. (Good rec, Jen!) Plus, she said there was nothing wrong with running as long as my knee wasn't hurting. Lovely... more trails soon!

Just to let everyone know: Sports Basement is a dangerous, dangerous place. I think one should never venture in there without specific limits on both time and money to be spent. 


Derek said...

Glad to hear the the is in good shape. Now you can hit the trails!!

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog ever since you commented on my "Living Lightly on the Planet" post. Glad to hear there is a simple solution to the knee problem.

But what I want to know is, what was the therapist's explanation for why there was no pain if you ran fast? I have had similar situations, and have always wondered about that.

Kevin said...

Well, i am wayyy jealous of the weather you get to run in and sorry about the knee that is giving you problems.